August 17, 2007

LongPen - Autograph Signing via the Internet

"Margaret Atwood has fans on five continents; those book signing tours must be exhausting. Not content to merely write science fiction, she has created a device she calls a LongPen, which allows her to meet and sign books for her fans all over the world from her own home. And in doing so, she has brought into being the telautograph/telephot combination, about which Hugo Gernsback dreamed almost one hundred years ago."

Isn't this cool? signing autographs long distance? I found this paragraph above on a blog at Live Science, so you can read the whole story there if you like. But imagine how handy this LongPen can be for celebrities, sports stars, politicians and other luminaries.

To quote from its own LongPen website: "But the LongPen™ is much more than that: it is a revolutionary marketing and publicity machine that digitally captures everything that happens over the system for downloads, taking book-signing events beyond bricks and mortar into the virtual world of cyberspace."

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