July 29, 2007

Ultimate GMail Collection over 80 tools

How many of you don't have Gmail addresses? I guess that's as good as asking "How many of you don't like "slap chips"? It started off with each of us getting one e-mail address from our ISP (there were always the dodgy ones who had more than one).

Then we got hotmail addresses when we went overseas because it was an easy way to get mail away from home and those who played on virtual sex sites got as many addresses as they could to go with their various online personas.

But when the mighty Google brought out Gmail, it somehow seemed that everyone suddenly had a Gmail address. And they were using it, even for business, which was always a little frowned on with the yahoo and hotmail addresses.

GMail addresses are cool and one can seven do stuff with GMail like I have just recently learned.

So, from makeuseof.com we get over 80 Gmail tools and tips, including Firefox extensions, Greasemonkey scripts, Desktop programs, Web applications and all-purpose ‘HowTo’ guides.

My head is spinning, I don't know where to start.

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