July 3, 2007

The DNA Project -a Positive Anti-Crime Initive

We all watch how crime mysteries are solved on Television with forensics. CSI and its offshoots are among the most popular shows among young and old. Those of the older generation like me, cut our forensic teeth on Quincy.

Well in SA, with the government struggling to make ends meet with housing and education and salaries, high tech forensic lab equipment is pretty low down on the list. This is where the DNA Project is stepping up to the plate.

The DNA Project website was launched last week to provide insight into this important anti-crime initiative, which has received significant public and media interest over the past few months. The DNA Project was initiated by Vanessa Lynch in 2004, in conjunction with the Leigh Matthews Trust.

The DNA Project site provides information about forensic DNA, the DNA Project and its objectives, how the public can get involved and importantly, what to do at a crime scene.

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