March 7, 2009

Link to Where you Want To in a YouTube Video

Somebody once asked me what the World Wide Web as all about.

Links and linking, I said it is about creating a web, like a spider web where everything is interconnected via a series of links.

Link to a Specific Part of a YouTube Video - Minute and Second-Specific

Well with video, that has been a bit of a frustration, one could link to the URL of a YouTube Video, but you couldn't like to a specific part of it. Now you can.

Well, my cyber-intelligence has just jumped a few points since joining Twitter and finding the right people to follow.

(Lesson to myself: Do so in life as you do on Twitter - only "follow" the right people!)

Anyway, Matt Cutts has posted this very interesting bit of info about linking to certain parts of YouTube videos .

It is just so easy to link to s specific part of a video down to the minutes and seconds.

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