April 23, 2007

Vega launches another degree

As if the smart-alec kids aren't smart enough already!

Vega is launching another degree - hey I'm really happy - this is projection, hankering after my tormented youth. Creative youngsters have a hard enough time trying to deal with the world without feeling that there is no future for you unless you do the three piece suit or the "hoƫ hakke" route.

It was announced like this:

After much research and development Vega is proud to announce the launch of our new degree, a BA in Brand Building and Management. The first intake for the degree will take place at the beginning of the 2008 academic year. It will be delivered on all three Vega campuses, namely Sandton, Cape Town and Durban.
“The establishment of the degree was born out of a need to provide the industry with graduates who are able to make a meaningful difference to 21st century businesses,” says Gordon Cook, Vega School Navigator. He believes that the new degree offers both a strategic and analytical approach to brand building. He said: ”We want a new breed of thinkers who can provide creative and innovative approaches to developing and sustaining brands. And brands lead business. And in our view brands cause business"


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