April 21, 2009

How to Create a Perfect Twitter Profile

I'm really intrigued with people's Twitter Profiles; what they do and don't reveal - sort of like Facebook Profile pics - but Twitter Profiles work on a different level.

You get 10 or 20 or even 50 follows a day - you flip through them, some are obvious fits for you so you follow them. Others you take a closer look at- what is the first thing you notice when you look at someones Twitter profile?

What Do You Look First on a Twitter Profile

Do you read the Tweets? And then think -Wow, I wouldn't mind having this kind of connection - or do you look at the Profile pic and the few words people use to describe themselves?

Like I really want to know he's a "devoted father" unless I'm writing about parenting issues; or that she is "petite and energetic" unless I'm looking for a date for the Prom who will keep me on my feet all night.

I found a great article 7 tips for the perfect Twitter Profile.

  • Use your real name (and don't use underscore)
  • Use a real picture (especially if it's a real name)
  • Think SEO when writing your bio
  • Include a URL
  • Consider a custom background
  • Don't protect your updates
  • Take it slow
Now I must rush off to fix up my own Twitter Profile, but read the article - it is great!

April 5, 2009

Best Global Brands 2007

It so weird, I see a post saying Best Global Brands 2007 and I rush at it like I can't wait to see what it says.

As if I don't already know what the top ten would be. I think most people who read and write and spend time on the Web (and watching TV ) would be able to predict at least seven out of the ten Best Global Brands.

So no surprises that Coca Cola, IBM and Microsoft are the top three Best Global Brands of 2007.

I try to be an individual so I'll admit that I often drink Pepsi and I do use open source software at times, but I'm also just totally hooked into all these brands - I disgust myself.